Hotline +8801916546181
PLC Control Pneumatic Trainer Model: APCSV7.1
Technical Specification:
Mechanical Size (16”x14”x6”)
Supply Voltage: 220VAC/24VDC
Training feathers and Parameter:
This trainer Very useful to study the Basic Level Electro
Pneumatics Kit with PLC Components like FRL,
Solenoid valve, cylinder, One Reputed Make PLC etc
Student scan makes Design and verifies the circuit
pneumatic level operation using this kit.
Overview: The training device includes various types of motors and industrial control components. Through relevant experiments, you can familiarize yourself with the operating characteristics of DC motors and the use of various industrial control components, master the control principles and control methods, and cultivate students’ corresponding knowledge and Skills, suitable for higher vocational, higher vocational, secondary vocational schools and technical and vocational schools related teaching and skills training assessment

Hotline +8801916546181
Electric Trainer Kit Model: DOL-FR-SD-V1.2
Technical Specification:
(AC Motor Driver-Delta/Mitsubishi/LS-.75KW)
Operating Voltage 220VAC/415V AC 3 Phase
Training feathers and Parameter:
1) Three Phase Induction Motor Control.
2) Star-Delta Operation
3) DOL Starter
4) Forward – Reverse Operation
5) Series – Parallel Operation
6) Onboard Thermal Overload Relay, Ampere Meter, Voltmeter

Hotline +8801916546181
Power Factor Improvement Trainer Panel, Model:PFI60KVAR
Technical Specification:
(Mechanical Size :4’x2’x8”) Metal body
Operating Voltage 220VAC/415V AC 3 Phase
Automatic Power Factor Control Panels are mainly used for the improvement
of Power Factor. Power Factor can be explained as ratio of active power to
apparent power and it is a key factor in measuring electrical consumption.
Everyone knows that how costly electricity has become in present time.
In this trainer Student can lag/lead the power factor and can Observe the
Inductive & Capacitive load condition.
Training feathers and Parameter:
1) Manual Power Factor Improvement using capacitor bank
2)Automatic Power Factor Improvement using Micro Relay
3) On board Inductive load
4) On board capacitive load
5)Busbar system with HRC Fuse
6)PFI Meter Analog and Digital
7) Onboard Ammeter and Voltmeter
8)Supplied with connecting cables and User Manual

Hotline +8801916546181
Digital Logic Trainer Kit, Model:DLTV2.1
Technical Specification:
Mechanical Size (12”X10”X6”) Wooden body
Operating Voltage 220VAC/5VDC
Training feathers and Parameter:
1) Included on board dc power supply -12v,9v,5v
2) Included on board Digital voltmeter
3) Logic gate operation (AND, OR, NOT,NOR,NAND,EX-OR,EX-NOR)
4) LED Digital Control
5) 999 Counter
6) Pulse generator
7) Half and Full Adder
8) JK F/F, JK Master-Slave F/F
9) Seven segment display
10) Included Buzzer, DIP Switch

Hotline +8801916546181
Microcontroller Trainer Kit Model: PAAV1.2
Technical Specification:
Operating Voltage 220VAC/5VDC
Mechanical Size (12”X10”X6”) Wooden body
Training feathers and Parameter:
1. Bases on PIC, AVR, Arduino uno microcontroller.
2. On Board USB interface for serial downloading and communications
3. On board ZIP Socket port for the user Design.
4. All ports available for use by the programmer
5. On Board Arduino ADC Chip
6. On Board Arduino DAC Chip
7. On Board 16*2 LCD & DOT Matrix Display
8. On Board seven segment Display
9. On Board 4 Pulled up Keys
10. On Board 4 Pulled Down Keys
11. On Board 8 LED Outputs
12. On Board Two Relays and Opto Isolated Inputs
13. On Board Stepper Motor Controller Driver
14. Built in Power Supply
15. Enclosed in a wooden Box
16. Supplied with connecting cables and
User Manual

Hotline +8801916546181
Basic Electrical Low Voltage Protection Trainer Model:LVPTV1.2
Technical Specification:
Operating Voltage: 415VAC/ 220VAC/24VDC
Mechanical Size (12”X10”X6”) Metal &Wooden body
Training feathers and Parameter:
1) Included Protection Relay (AC-DC)
2) Included on board Low voltage fuse (Reparable)
3) Included Circuit breaker (MCCB, MCB,RCB, RCBO)
4) MCB Characteristics Test
5) MCB, MCCB,RCB,RCBO Short Circuit and Earth Fault test
6) On boar AC Variable power supply
7) On boar Current Injector
8) AC Motor Protection Circuit with Magnetic Contact
9) On Board Digital Ammeter CT type and Digital Voltmeter
10) Included Resistive and Inductive load

Hotline +8801916546181
8086 Microprocessor Trainer Kit
Technical Specification:
➢ Microprocessor Training kit based on 8086 with the following specifications:
➢ Based on Intel’s 8086/8088 CPU @ 2.5/5 MHz.
➢ 8086 Processor can be replaced by 8088.
➢ 16K bytes of RAM available to the user(6264)
➢ 16K bytes of EPROM loaded with powerful monitor program 2764/27128.
➢ Memory expandable further to 384 K byte
➢ Memory mapping definable by the user.
➢ Battery Back up for RAM area (Optional).
➢ 48 I/O lines provided through 2 Nos. 8255.
➢ Three 16-bit Timers/Counters through 8253.
➢ RS-232C for CRT Terminal through 8251.
➢ Baud rate selection through DIP Switch.
➢ 28 Keys and eight seven segment displays.
➢ Resident monitor with two modes of operation: keyboard and serial mode.
➢ All address, data and control signals available at FRC connector
➢ Powerful software commands like Go, Examine/Modify bytes/Register, Single stepping; Block
Move, Fill, Insert, Delete, Input/output bytes & word.
➢ Uploading /Down loading facility with PC.
➢ Assembler/ Dissembler With Built in Power Supply.
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