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Admission of new batch starts from 1st of every month And the class starts on 15th, number of seats (5-10) Trainee
প্রতি মাসের ১- তারিখ থেকে নতুন ব্যাচ এর ভর্তি শরু হয় এবং ১৫ তারিখে ক্লাস শুরু হয়, আসন সংখ্যা (৫-১০) জন
🖥️ Introduction to HMI 🔌 Basic Components of HMI 📘 HMI Design Principles and Software 🧑💻 HMI Programming and Configuration 🔌 Integration with PLCs Icon: 🛠️ Troubleshooting and Maintenance 📊 Advanced HMI Features 🖥️ Hands-On Practice
🎛️Fundamental of servo systems, their components, 🎛️Parameter, applications in industrial automation. 🎛️Servo Motor, Drive, Encoder, Controller 🎛️Applications in Robotics, CNC Machines, and Automation 📊 Integration with PLCs and automation systems
✔️Circuit Design Fundamentals ✔️Schematic Capture and Simulation ✔️PCB Layout and Routing ✔️Design Rule Checking (DRC) ✔️Component Placement and Sizing ✔️Signal Integrity and Power Management ✔️Hands-on Experience with Proteus, Eagle, and Flux