System Requirements
The basic ADP system requirements are as follows:
– PC – CPU 80586 or higher;
– Memory – 64 MB RAM or more;
– Hardware – 60 MB or more available hard drive space;
– Display – VGA or SVGA. Microsoft Windows with 256 colors or higher, and a
resolution of 800×600 or higher.
Since all the programs in the ADP suite have been compressed, you need to uncompress and install the software before using it.
The ADP software can be run under the following Windows operating systems:
– Windows 95
– Windows 98
– Windows ME
– Windows 2000
– Windows XP
Microsoft WindowsTM is undeniably the predominant PC operating environment
these days. ADP is designed to make full use of the Windows environment, using a
“What You See is What You Get” Approach. You can immediately see the objects you
create on a PC screen with their specified attributes, such as font size, color, object
location, picture, scale, frame, and so on. What the you see on the PC screen will be
the same as what is displayed on a operator terminal.
ADP also uses the principles of object-oriented design to implement drag-and-drop
editing. You can use a mouse to conveniently drag objects to another location or
change their shape and size as you wish.
Models which are supported
- A-TECH SD 200/400 Controller
- AB DH-485
- AB IQ Master
- AB MicroLogix 1000/1500
- AB MicroLogix 1000/1500 Ethernet port
- AB OEMAX NX7 Series
- AB PLC-5
- AB SLC 5/03, 5/04
- AB SLC 5/03, 5/04 ( CRC check )
- AB SLC 5/03, 5/04 Ethernet port
- ABB COMLI(Slave mode; Binary)
- AD-4401 Weighing Indicator
- ASCII Device
- Altus ALNET I-1
- Animatics SmartMotor
- Baldor Controller
- Beckoff ADS BX9000
- Beckoff ADS CX1000
- Beckoff ADS Ethernet BX9000
- Beckoff ADS Ethernet CX1000
- Computer (as master)
- Computer (as master) V2
- Computer (as slave)
- Danaher Freeform
- Danfoss VLT Series Inverter
- Delta DTA
- Delta DTC 1000
- Delta VFD Inverter (address type1)
- Delta VFD-B Inverter
- Dupline DKG2
- Elmo Harp Gateway
- Elmo Meastro
- Elmo Meastro\_Bata
- Elmo SimpleIQ
- Emerson EC20/EC10 Series
- FAMA OMC/SC-500 Series
- FUJI 5000 G11S/P11S
- Facon FB Series(RS232-RTS)
- Facon FB Series(RS232/RS485)
- Fama softPLC
- Fama softPLC Ethernet port
- Festo FPC/FEC EasyIP
- Festo FPC/FEC ModBus TCP/IP
- Festo FPC/FEC Series
- Fuji Micrex-F
- Fuji NB/SPB Series
- GE Series 90 CCM
- GE Series 90 SNP
- GOLD STONE XM Instruments
- HC40X
- HUST-CNC Controller
- Hitachi EC Series
- Hitachi EH2 Series
- Hitachi H/EH1 (RS-485)
- Hitachi H/EH1 Series
- Hitachi H/EH1 with Ethernet
- Hitachi Inverter SJ300 series
- Holip HLP-C Inverter(Modbus ASCII)
- Hollysys G3PLC
- Idec Micro-3
- Idec MicroSmart
- Internal Devices
- Jetter DELTA
- Jetter NANO-B
- Jetter-process-PLC
- JingWei-Net
- Jokab Pluto
- Keyence KV Nano Series
- Keyence KV Series
- Keyence KV-1000
- Keyence KV-3000
- Keyence KV-5000(TCP)
- Klockner Moeller PS316
- Klockner Moeller PS4-201
- Kontar Bus Controller
- Koyo Direct DL Series
- Koyo K-sequence
- LENZE smd series inverter
- LG K10/60H/200H
- LG K200S
- LG K300S
- LG Master-K10S/30S/60S/100S
- LG XGK CPU modules
- LG XGT\_Cnet Series
- Liyan Ex0n&1s&2c
- Liyan Ex1n&Ex2n
- Lust Inverter
- MKS CT150
- MKS MC700
- MKS MC700-1
- Matsushita FP Series
- Mirle Axis Controller- SD+ CC
- Mirle DX Controller
- Mitsubishi A0J2 CPU Port
- Mitsubishi A1N CPU Port
- Mitsubishi A1S/A2S CPU Port
- Mitsubishi A2A/A2AS CPU Port
- Mitsubishi A3N/A1SH CPU Port
- Mitsubishi A3N/A1SH Ethernet Module
- Mitsubishi Alpha2 Series
- Mitsubishi AnA/U Link
- Mitsubishi AnN/S Link
- Mitsubishi FREQROL-A700 Series
- Mitsubishi FX Series
- Mitsubishi FX-10GM/20GM
- Mitsubishi FX2N
- Mitsubishi FX2N-485ADP/422BD
- Mitsubishi FX3UC
- Mitsubishi FX3UC Ethernet
- Mitsubishi FX3UC-485ADP/422BD
- Mitsubishi Freqrol-A500 Series
- Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q(CPU)
- Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q00(CPU)
- Mitsubishi MELSEC-Q7E1 Eth
- Mitsubishi MELSEC-QnA(LINK)
- Mitsubishi MELSEC-QnUD(CPU)
- ModBus Master
- ModBus RTU Slave (Beijer Addressing)
- ModBus RTU Slave (Data Swap)
- ModBus Slave
- ModBus TCP/IP Device
- ModBus TCP/IP Device (Type 2)
- ModBus TCP/IP Device (Type 3)
- ModBus TCP/IP Device(Data Swap)
- ModBus(ASCII) Master
- ModBus(ASCII) Master — V2
- ModBus(ASCII) Slave
- ModBus(ASCII) Slave(65535)
- Modbus TCP/IP Master
- Modicon 984 (RTU; Master)
- Modicon 984 (RTU; Slave)
- Modicon Premium Uni-Telway
- Modicon TSX Micro(Telemecanique)
- Modicon TSX Quantum
- NextMoveBXII motion controller
- Null
- Omron C Series
- Omron CJ1M
- Omron CS/CJ with Ethernet
- Omron CS/CJ with Ethernet (UDP)
- Omron CS1 Series
- Omron CS1H Series
- Omron CV Series
- PowerLand\_DMC-2×00
- SIDE MIDA 20/20D
- Samco-e Inverter
- Schneider-Electric Twido
- Servo Dynamics
- Sharp JW Series
- Shihlin Inverter (SH/SS Type)
- Shinko CxT Series
- Shinko DCL Series
- Shinko PC-900 Series
- Siemens USS protocol
- Simatic S5
- Simatic S5 3964R
- Simatic S7 3964R
- Simatic S7-1200 ethernet
- Simatic S7-200 (via PPI; 1-to-1)
- Simatic S7-200 (via PPI; network)
- Simatic S7-300 (via HMI adapter)
- Simatic S7-300 (via MPI Port)
- Simatic S7-300 (via PC adapter)
- Simatic S7-300 ethernet module (CP-343)
- Square D 400-700
- TECO MSDA Series
- TI 325/330 Series
- TI 435 Series
- TI 500/505 Series
- TOHO TTM-000 Seriers
- TOP M2I Protocol (Master)
- TOP M2I Protocol (Slave)
- Taian N2 Series Inverter
- Taian TP01 Series
- Taian TP02 Series
- Taian TP03 Series
- Texmate 320
- Ti505 for BroadWeb
- TinyPLC
- Toshiba M20/M40
- Toshiba T1/T2
- Toyo VF62CE Inverter
- Toyo VF62PG Inverter
- VIPA Sys200V MPI
- Vigor M/VB Series
- Vigor\_device\_Eth
- Yamatake SDC15 Seriers
- Yamatake SDC20
- Yokogawa FA-M3 Series
- Yokogawa FA-M3 Series with Ethernet module

click Extract files

click ok button

open HITECH-ADP 6.8.0 Build 195

click setup exe

click to Next


click Yes

click Company Name

press next button

press i accept than click next

click next

press Finish

press install button

press PWS Simulator

click HITECH-ADP 6.8.0 Build 195

As seen above, The HITECH-ADP 6.8.0 Build 195 is running and working properly.
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