Looking for Engineering training courses ?
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100% helpful guaranteed career  
With job opportunities  
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Looking for good computer courses?
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We have helpful courses for your career  
From graphics design  to website development 
With job opportunities  
and freelancing tips
Want to learn PLC, SCADA ,IoT
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Now with limited discounts 
100% Job oriented courses  
Admission of new batch starts from 1st of every month And the class starts on 15th, number of seats (5-10) Trainee
প্রতি মাসের ১- তারিখ থেকে নতুন ব্যাচ এর ভর্তি শরু হয় এবং ১৫ তারিখে ক্লাস শুরু হয়, আসন সংখ্যা (৫-১০) জন
✨Advertisement Animation Video ✨Audio & Video Editing ✨Photo Editing ✨Adobe Photoshop ✨Illustrator ✨Adobe Premiere Pro / Filmora ✨Adobe After Effects Bonus: Complete Guide to Freelancing Bonus: Canva & AI Generated Video